Domain Rating: What is it, what is it for, and how to measure it?


The SEO dictionary is full of concepts, and domain rating is one of the most important, so get to know it!


 Knowing and understanding the SEO dictionary is a fundamental element when it comes to understanding how to define strategies to develop and improve your web positioning. We have already explained what Domain authority is, and this time, we will explain what Domain rating consists of.

Also known as DR, this SEO term is used to qualify the quality of a website or domain within a value of 1 to 100. In other words, it determines the power, credibility, or influence the portal has within the entire positioning niche it occupies.

Domain rating is a fundamental tool within SEO positioning, and many factors vary the rating that a portal receives within the established values. Below, we will show you examples of what it is for, how it is used, and how it is measured.

What is Domain Rating?

DR is another SEO metric by which the quality and prestige of a website are established. Like other metrics, the DR sets a value between 0 and 100 to determine the quality of a website’s domain. This measurement tool belongs to Ahrefs, a famous portal frequented by many SEO specialists.

What is DR for?

Domain rating assigns a numerical value to a domain based on the parameters that measure its quality. If we want to carry out a positioning campaign, this value is very useful for you to know the quality of a medium or a website. If you are interested in starting an SEO positioning strategy through link building, you need to know the value that the DR assigns to each website to determine if the quality of that domain suits your needs.

Why is domain rating so important?

It’s important to understand that the DR assigns a high value when the quality of a website is very high. This aspect is different when it comes to knowing what means you need to propose a link-building strategy, and in the case of being in charge of a website, you should try to increase the number of links that lead to your page and the quality of these.

It is a fundamental aspect of SEO positioning, but this does not mean that you should leave aside or give less importance to other factors that also determine the positioning and quality of your website, such as the content itself. In the case of a user who wants to study what media to use to develop the link building strategy, the media that offer high DR values are a good place to get backlink feedback, and the positioning logarithms will interpret that if you have a good relationship with this medium, your site is also of quality.

How is the Domain rating measured?

Ahrefs’ value between 0 and 100 depends on a combination of factors, including the number of referring domains, the quality of those links, and the total number of links pointing to this particular website. Referring domains are the websites that connect to yours, and the quality of those domains is based on common metrics such as the quality of backlinks and content on those websites.

As the number and quality of links to your website increases, the DR that Ahrefs assigns to you will increase, leading to a quality position for your website in search engines and SEO rankings. This is because high-quality links send positive information from your website to Google, making its logarithm interpret and rank you better.

In this situation, we offer the DR value that AS has, the media of maximum reference in terms of sports press in Spain. It is clear that the value of this portal will be very high, in this case, 94 out of 100.

Domain rating checker

DR checker is located within the Ahref application, where it values the domain rating of the selected website from 0 to 100. This is the checker that Ahrefs offers on its website. By entering the selected domain, you will be presented with a series of results, which are equivalent to the values of the metrics discussed above the search bar.

How to improve DR?

There are two actions that you can implement to improve the DR of your website, but you have to keep in mind that these types of tools take time, and the results are not seen overnight. The variation in the results depends on the quality, quantity, and consistency you have when it comes to, for example, generating quality content or developing a link-building campaign, as well as the actions of the competition and the user experience. That said, the main actions to increase DR are as follows:

  • Quality link building: Quality link building,for example, the link building strategy is the most important action for you to increase the DR of your website. Look for relevant, high-quality websites within the industry you want to be in and work towards a quality link line
  • Increasing the quality and relevance of content: Make sure that your website has quality, truthful, and relevant content so that the user experience is as enriching as possible. This helps you naturally attract links to your website, thus increasing the DR value. 

Difference Between Domain Authority and Domain Rating

Domain authority and domain rating are two different metrics used in the SEO industry to evaluate the quality and authority of a website. While both metrics measure the quality of links pointing to a website, there are some key differences between them.

Domain authority is a metric developed by Moz that measures a website’s authority on a scale of 1 to 100. The score is based on a combination of factors, such as the number of high-quality links pointing to the website, the relevance of those links, and other technical factors, such as the structure of the website and loading speed.

Domain rating, on the other hand, is a metric developed by Ahrefs that measures a website’s authority on a scale of 1 to 100. The score is based on the quality of the links pointing to the website, including the number of referring domains, the quality of those referring domains, and the total number of links pointing to the website.

That said, here’s the difference between Domain authority and Domain rating

The main difference between these two metrics is the way they are calculated. Moz’s domain authority is based on a wide range of factors that affect the overall quality of the website, while Ahrefs’ domain rating focuses specifically on the quality of the links pointing to the website. In addition, Moz and Ahrefs use different methodologies to collect data. Moz uses a combination of third-party data and its own database, while Ahrefs has its own database of links.

In summary, while both Domain authority and Domain rating are used to measure the quality and authority of a website, there are some key differences in how they are calculated and the factors that are taken into account.

Now you know everything you need to know about domain rating. Follow Getlinko on social media and visit our blog to continue increasing your knowledge about Digital Marketing and SEO.

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Published: 4 April, 2024