Monetize your digital media with sponsored posts

Getlinko is the platform that helps you make your website more visible and monetize it. You establish your prices and topics.
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Getlinko Editors | Monetize your media with sponsored content 2
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We work with agencies and advertisers who are looking to put quality posts and links in relevant media like yours. You can choose what topics you cover and what type of links you accept. This means that the orders you receive are suited to the criteria of your website.
We work with agencies and advertisers who are looking to put quality posts and links in relevant media like yours. You can choose what topics you cover and what type of links you accept. This means that the orders you receive are suited to the criteria of your website.
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Do you have a news site? Or blog? Register your digital media for free and earn money by publishing sponsored articles.
Do you have a news site? Or blog? Register your digital media for free and earn money by publishing sponsored articles.
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Earn money with Getlinko

Thousands of advertisers are looking for you. Set your media up quickly and start receiving requests for sponsored articles.


You have full control

Customize your blog or news site to the smallest detail, including the topics you cover, types of links you accept, the price for publishing an article and the words included, and the publication of your sponsored articles.

You choose the sale price. Adjust your price for publishing and writing an article on your blog. If you’re not sure what to put, we can help you.

On your editor panel, you will have control over all the activity on your media.

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Getlinko Editors | Monetize your media with sponsored content 6

You have full control

Customize your blog or news site to the smallest detail, including the topics you cover, types of links you accept, the price for publishing an article and the words included, and the publication of your sponsored articles.

You choose the sale price. Adjust your price for publishing and writing an article on your blog. If you’re not sure what to put, we can help you.

On your editor panel, you will have control over all the activity on your media.

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Manage your orders flexibly and easily

With Getlinko you will be able to monetize your media in just 3 steps:

1. Register for free

2. Validate your media

3. Start receiving orders!

You will receive requests from advertisers for articles that you should accept if they fit your media. If all goes well, it’s time to work! You’re now monetizing.

You can create offers with a discount and time period set by you.

Start monetizing your digital media today.

Do you have a news site? Or blog? Register your digital media for free and earn money by publishing sponsored articles.

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Getlinko Editors | Monetize your media with sponsored content 6

Start monetizing your digital media today.

Do you have a news site? Or blog? Register your digital media for free and earn money by publishing sponsored articles.

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We’ll save you extra work ?

Writing sponsored articles is always up to the editor. You can decide to write it yourself or ask Getlinko’s team of SEO writers to do it for you.

You will only have to accept the request, add the extra service and we will take care of the rest.

Frequently asked questions for Editors

If you do not find the answer to your question here, you can contact our support team.
What do I need to register my media?

Once you have reached the minimum withdrawal (€ 20) you can withdraw your earnings by Bank Transfer (only for Spain) or PayPal (for everyone).

What are the options to withdraw my earnings?

Once you have reached the minimum withdrawal (€ 20) you can withdraw your earnings by Bank Transfer (only for Spain) or PayPal (for everyone).

What price should I set for my media?

Do some research on the platform and check the prices for media with similar metrics to yours. Bear in mind that the price includes the cost of writing the article. If you want the Getlinko team to write the article for you, the amount we charge is €20, so ensure you’ve considered this when you set a rate for a sponsored post.

Can I choose which orders to accept and which to reject?

Yes, you can choose if you work individual purchases and group purchases or if you only do it with individual purchases. In individual purchases you can review each of the requests to validate if you want to accept it. In groups, however, you do not have this option, but the Getlinko team ensures that the highest quality standards are met.

How long do I have to accept an order?

You have 7 days to accept the order, or it will be cancelled automatically.

After accepting the order, how long do I have to deliver it?

You have 10 days to write and publish the article. If you do not have the time or resources, don’t worry. On the platform, you have the option to delegate to a Getlinko writer for an extra cost of €20.

How do I see the details of my order to know what I have to write?

Getting to know the buyer’s specifications is very easy. You just have to go to your profile, click on “Orders” and then on “Manage”. There you will see the anchor text and the description that the advertiser has shared with you.

How can I request the writing from Getlinko?

When you accept your order on the Editor panel you can tick the checkbox to delegate the writing to the Getlinko team. You will receive a high-quality article ready to publish on your media.

What happens if I don't deliver my order on time?

The order is cancelled and your authority on the platform will decrease, which means a reduction in your visibility and therefore your sales options. If many orders are not completed, you may be expelled from the platform. Remember that in the order section of your panel you can see the delivery deadline. It is important that you are responsible with these deadlines to avoid negative ratings by the advertiser who made the purchase.

How do I validate my media?

The easiest method is with Analytics. You also have the option of adding code to your WordPress that is provided by the platform when creating your media from the editor panel. Alternatively, if you cannot complete this process, you can download a file that appears on the validation page of your media and upload it to the server.

What are the benefits that Getlinko offers compared to the competition?

As an Editor:

  1. Your Editor panel allows you to manage your orders for your media with business metrics, which includes sales per month and per year, as well as other interesting data.
  2. From the Editor Panel you can set and modify the prices of your media as you wish. Furthermore, if your media is going to be inactive due to holidays or other reasons, you are able to indicate this on Getlinko so that you do not receive orders you will be unable to manage.
  3. If you do not want to be responsible for writing the content for one of your orders, you can delegate the work to the Getlinko team. This text will be high-quality, with good length and SEO-optimised.
  4. At Getlinko we work with agencies and large advertisers who request quality links and posts in relevant media.
  5. As an editor, you can choose which topics you accept for each order, what types of links you work with and whether you accept group purchases. This means that the orders you receive are optimised for your media.
What is the commission charged by Getlinko per order?

Getlinko has an intelligent system of commissions that automatically adapts them according to the conditions of the environment and the market in order to promote as many sales as possible. This commission can therefore vary according to seasonality, the characteristics of the medium and the development of sales.

What should I do when an order arrives and how do I get the text to the advertiser?

If you have registered as a publisher and have received an order for one of your media, you can proceed with its writing and publication. In the side menu you can always see the status of each order. Once published, you will have to deliver the link through the platform. This means that the advertiser can verify that everything is correct and validate for completion. In the event that the advertiser requests a modification, you will also receive this request through the platform.

What price do advertisers usually pay for each published link?

The price depends on many factors: the characteristics of the media, its metrics and the topic. 

Can you help me register a large number of media?

Of course. You just have to send us the list of blogs you want to register on our platform and the email address you want to link them to. With this information, we will be able to provide you with personalized support and advice so that you begin to enjoy the benefits of using Getlinko.

When will I start receiving orders?

From the moment you register a media on the platform and it is validated, you can start receiving orders. The number of orders and the frequency depends on various factors: the demand for the theme, the media, the price compared to other similar media, the quality, its metrics, etc.
It is always advisable to start with a lower price to receive your first orders and allow the positioning algorithm of the platform to show your media more frequently. Over time, and depending on the frequency of orders you receive, you will be able to adjust the ideal price for your media.

What can I do to receive more orders?

Many factors go into the ability to receive orders. You can start by evaluating your price to determine if it is affordable and competitive, working on your metrics or generating seasonal offers from your Editor profile, so advertisers will see that your media is available to make purchases.

How do I receive payments?

You can request your payment once the order has been completed, which means it has been approved by the advertiser. You will have to send an invoice. Payments are made on the 1st and 15th of each month, via bank transfer for residents in Spain or via PayPal for the rest of the world. Complete your profile details to choose the method that suits you best.

Our company works with advance payments, do you accept this type of cooperation?

We are a legally registered Spanish company, so all payments are guaranteed when your order has been completed. We manage payments on the 1st and 15th of each month. To be able to be paid on these dates it is important that you send your invoice in advance

Do I have to pay anything as an editor?

No, the platform is completely free. You will only pay the commissions that your money withdrawal system may require or that PayPal or your bank applies to you.

How can I contact the support team?

You can write to us via the live chat to receive personalised support or email

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Get a FREE onboarding

Arrange an appointment at your convenience with the Getlinko team. We offer a free online consultation where we will introduce you to the Getlinko universe to help boost the positioning of your brand.